As cubmaster, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Pack 3261's website.

Pack 3261 is located in Oxnard, California. Our Pack is sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Oxnard 2nd Ward.

The success of our pack is dependant on several factors; the Pack Leadership, the Parents, and the Scouts of the Pack. We strongly believe in training for every Leader, Scout, and Scouter. We believe that every Scout, Scouter and parent has a role to play in the success of the Pack.  Everyone is made to feel that the Pack is theirs.  I am very proud to be Cubmaster of Pack 3261.

As you navigate through our site, I hope you enjoy the various pages and find them useful.  We wish you all the best that Scouting has to offer.

Yours in scouting,

D. Steven Stokes

Cubmaster, Pack 3261